This explains everything....

"Well behaved women rarely make history"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Vintage Dresses

This was so pretty, and I couldn't zip it up. I passed it up a few months ago. Yesterday I found it was still there at a steal of a price. After all it had a Nieman Marcus tag in it. While trying to research what year it was made I serched out the Union Label I found on an inside seam. ILGWU was one of the first Female domanated unions formed by seamstresses back in the early 1900s in New York. They Struck Twice and were instramental in changing the way women work. Remember the fire in the garment district that killed many women because they were locked in.....and this was in NYC. Intresting, and  the color of the fonts and design dated the dress back to 1963. I am selling it on Etsy, I sure hope someone treasures it! I am always on the look out for 1950s dresses, patterns and research materials. Do you have a killer Vintage Prom Dress in your closet?

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